The Write Place- Curtis Bruce Kessler

January 27, 2010

JAWS “Study 1”

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Judgment, Authority, Wholeness, and Salvation
(Words to Build a Life On)
Matthew 7-8:34

Crocodiles can have between 3000-5000 lbs of biting force. In Matthew 7-8 we find Jesus concluding the Sermon on the Mount delivering Words that are powerful, weighty, and forceful. The bite here will either be inspirational or intolerable.

Jesus touches on a variety of important issues that pertain to judgment, authority, wholeness, and Salvation. You will find these important truths throughout the study of Matthew 7-8, so, please carefully read the passage under consideration then consider my notes and add your comments if you would like.

Study 1

1. Verses 1-5 Self-Judgment (self-examination) is a Daily Decision:

a. Jesus doesn’t say NOT to judge for we all must. Notice he says,”…with what judgment you judge…”
b. Jesus reveals a problem and sets a standard.
c. We must first judge our own hearts:

i. John C. Maxwell in his outstanding book “Winning with People” would call this the “Mirror Principle”.
ii. He states the principle this way, “The first person we must examine is ourselves.”
iii. Maxwell further states, “The question I must ask myself: Have I examined myself and taken responsibility for who I am?” pg10.

1. He continues by adding this, “People unaware of who they are and what they do often damage their relationships with others. The way to change that is to look in the mirror. It’s the same thing all of us must do.”pg.13.
2. I believe John C. Maxwell understands well the fundamental message Jesus teaches here.

d. The purpose behind self-judgment?

i. So we can better serve, help others, and build relationships.

1. We must use this form of daily introspection to serve & help others effectively.
2. Plank (beam) in your eye= 2 x 4
3. Speck of dust in the eye of another.

i. Some people think Jesus never used humor.
ii. Think of how completely idiotic it would be to walk around with a two-by-four protruding out of your eye while attempting to help others. I can just imagine one of the Three Stooges bumbling and stumbling poking people while causing great havoc. It would be comic as well as ridiculous for sure but the thing is Jesus says we’ve all tried it! It would all be funny if not for the implications.

e. This behavior shows an unwillingness to confess and deal with our own sin problems thus we become blinded and so become unable to see clearly how to help others. In this state we are ineffective or at best weakened.
f. Truth is we use different standards of judgment on others but one standard for us.
g. We are more tolerant of our sins than the sins of others. Our sins are sometimes more clear to others than ourselves. Remember 2 Sam.2 David’s reaction to Nathan?
h. This is also about being judgmental. We tend to try to judge intent and not the behavior or fruit of the person as Jesus will later show.

3. Be careful the kind of judgment you administer.

a.. Rabbis- two measures. One was justice and the other mercy. Which one would you want?

4. Judgment begins within. Look carefully into the mirror every day and answer this question,

“Have I examined myself and taken responsibility for who I am?”

a. Be honest. Jesus is helping us remove any obstacles that will hinder our ability to judge fairly, clearly, and properly.

4. Too much is at stake so why continue to judge in any other way other than what Jesus instructs here?

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