The Write Place- Curtis Bruce Kessler

February 26, 2010

Jaws Study 2

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Judgment, Authority, Wholeness, and Salvation
Part 2 Study
(Words to Build a Life On)
Matthew 7-8:34

Jesus touches on a variety of important issues relating to judgment, authority, wholeness, and Salvation.  You will find these important truths throughout the study of Matthew 7-8, some you will find easily while others are gleaned through parables and miracles.  Please carefully read the passage under consideration then my notes and add your comments if you would like.

Jesus opened Part 1 of our study with a sound principle of “removing the beam from our own eye.” This is a self-examination process that will lead to success and in the following verses be the standard for other critical areas of our spiritual journey.

Continuing with Part 2 of our study.

1.  Matthew 7:6-Using wise judgment when dealing with the world.

a.    Dogs and swine were unclean- those who are hostile to Gospel. Rev.22:15
b.    Pearls- truths, treasures of the Gospel. Mt.13:46
c.    A pig has no use for a pearl and a dog can easily turn against you and be brutal. Neither dogs nor swine have the instinct to distinguish the holy from the unholy, the clean from the unclean, or the beauty of the most precious pearl.
d.    Prov.11:7-8; Prov.23;9
e.    Must be judicious in whom we counsel or whom we deliver the Gospel.

2.  Vs 7-11 Prayer in Judgment and Personal Ministry

a.    We need to go to God in prayer specifically in matters of judgment or even in our daily walk.
i. Sometimes it seems we ask God for something we care little about or that we really don’t expect an answer on.
ii. Ask, seek, knock seems to suggest a progression of intensity of prayer.  I used to think this wasn’t associated with prayer but have since changed my mind.
1.    Earnest, Diligent, and Persevering
iii. Jesus to make the case of the power of prayer illustrates the caring nature of God.
iv. We have a choice to believe the ASK principle or not.

3.  Vs 12 End result- Ability and judgment to take initiative to treat people with the same standard you would want for yourself.  This is really the basic idea behind the Law.

a.    Familiar statement in Mt.22:39-40; Lev.19:18
b.    The principle here encompasses the desire of God through His Law and Prophets for His people- Ro.13:8; Gal.5:14
c.    This is not about what we would wish that men would do to us, but this is a real life personal application of taking the initiative in exercising impartial judgment, and putting ourselves in their shoes concluding it reasonable and fair that they would do the same to us.
d.    So important to Jesus that He uses a similar thought in Mt.25:31-46 in describing the servitude of those who would enter heaven.
e.    Psalms 15

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