The Write Place- Curtis Bruce Kessler

February 7, 2010

The Plan B Myth

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There is a movie now playing in your local theater called “Legion” with the premise that God has gotten so frustrated with humanity that He has determined the time has come for judgment time and is sending His avenging angels (hence the name of the title Legions) to do His will. In lieu of this judgment call by God, Michael the Archangel has determined that God’s decision is downright unfair thus decides to leave the glory of the Father to come to earth to save an unwed teen who is pregnant and whose child will change the course of God’s declared judgment. The Legions are given the task of stopping the birth of this would be savior and creaming the band of human misfits protecting the mother. Michael’s fellow Archangel Gabriel is given the task of eliminating the baby which we learn was originally Michael’s duty. Gabriel’s job now is twofold- kill the baby thus opening the floodgates of Legions to administer swift judgment on humanity and execute Michael for his shameful disobedience. Who will win? Will it be Michael who has shown mercy and who sacrificed all for a race doomed for judgment or Gabriel whose service and duty is never in doubt and who faithfully obeys his Father even to the point of death? Will humanity overcome these overwhelming supernatural odds? Since we are still here I’m certain you know the general outcome of this movie.

Let me say on the outset that I am not endorsing a movie filled with abrasive language and a cold-hearted assessment of our Father in Heaven. No, please don’t get the wrong idea; however, as always in Hollywood when it comes to religious interpretation, there is the good, the bad, and the ugly.

First the Good- there is an acknowledgment here that there will be a judgment, that God and angels are real, that our choices matter and have earthly and eternal consequences, that sacrifice and mercy have real meaning, and that belief is important. We can only hope and pray that the people behind this film understand the truth behind their product. We hope and pray that even a little truth is better than none.

The Bad- Faith here is often marginalized and reduced to a “so what” attitude that basically says, “If we’re all going to get creamed why worry about it or what does it matter?” Well, it does matter! The problem is the object of the faith demonstrated in this film. There is no mention of Christ, so, the object of their faith and fate rests in an unborn child and the testimony of a wayward Archangel with a Terminator attitude. The truth is that there is already born into this world a Savior- His name is Jesus! I wondered- What was Jesus doing up in Heaven while all this fighting between Archangels and Judgment Day? Playing golf? Having a cup of tea with Moses and Elijah?

The Ugly- there is this prevailing almost wistful theme that IF God finally decides to bring judgment on humanity somehow He would listen to reason and change His mind, that someone would stand up for our pathetic cause or that surely there’s a Plan B! Here is another Hollywood movie perpetuating the Plan B myth. Any good that can be gleaned from this movie is undercut by the lure and fantasy of a Plan B. While the scriptures don’t talk specifically about people believing in a Plan B myth, there is warning after warning about the fatalistic attitude of those who say, “Well, where is He? He said He was coming but has delayed. Let’s eat, drink, and be merry!” Similarly, believing in a Plan B myth would have the same fatalistic results- a false sense of security, recklessness, and a selfish behavior that could ultimately end in open rebellion.

Judgment is surely coming and when that day arrives you don’t want to be relying on a Plan B Myth to rescue you because it simply won’t happen. Myths never saved a soul nor purified the heart of man. Although someone may attempt to link the story of Jesus as a myth the simple fact remains as has been the case since the beginning of Christianity that the message of the cross, that Jesus died for OUR SINS and is our salvation, has become foolishness to some and a great stumbling block for others. My faith is in Jesus not in some off the wall Plan B Myth.

What about you?

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